Now showing items 1-20 of 40

  • Environmental Scanning Behavior of Small and Medium Firms in Developing Economies: Evidence from Botswana 

    Temtime, Z.T. (Science Publications / ANSI Journals;, 2001)
    Although environmental scanning is a key concept in management research, its application and importance, particularly in developing African countries, is not well investigated. Scanning the company's external environment ...
  • The Role of Microcomputers in Small and Medium Enterprises: Are They Used in Strategic Decisions and Planning? 

    Temtime, Z.T. (Science Publications; ANSI Publications, 2001)
    Although strategic planning and information technology are key concepts in management research, they have been widely used in relation to only large firms. Only few studies attempted to examine the perceptions of small ...
  • Exploring Managerial Fit and Flexibility: Towards a Project Management Approach 

    Temtime, Z.T. (Science Publications / ANSI Journals;, 2001-10)
    This paper reviews the usefulness of the project management approach in promoting organisational and managerial flexibility in traditional organisations in developing countries. Three aspects of project management, viz. ...
  • Toward gender excellence in higher education in developing economies 

    Temtime, ZT (Science Publications / ANSI Journals;, 2002)
    The social and economic disadvantages faced by women, particularly in developing countries, has long promoted inquiry into gender stratification in the major socio-economic infrastructures. Higher education has increasingly ...
  • Total quality management and the planning behavior of SMEs in developing economies 

    Temtime, Z.T.; Solomon, G.H. (Emerald;, 2002)
    Examines the relationship between TQM perceptions, planning behaviour, and firm size in SMEs in Ethiopia. Primary data were collected from 57 SMEs through a questionnaire. However, as the study is a preliminary investigation, ...
  • Problems and Prospects of Technology Transfer in Developing Economies: A Review 

    Tesfayohannes, M.; Temtime, Z.T. (Science Publications / ANSI Journals;, 2002-03)
    Large-scale industrialisation policies and programs have proved themselves impractical to developing economies due largely to resource constraints. Small and Medium Industries (SMIs) play an important role in the transformation ...
  • The relationship between information technology usage and the planning behavior of SMEs in developing economies 

    Temtime, Z.T.; Shunda, J.P.W. (Science Publications / ANSI Journals;, 2002-06)
    The relationship between the degree of information technology usage, company size and its strategic planning practices has critical implications for sustainability of firm competitiveness. However the relationship has been ...
  • The moderating impacts of business planning and firm size on total quality management practices 

    Temtime, Z.T. (Emerald;, 2003)
    Total quality management (TQM) research has concentrated on large firms. Little has been done on the TQM practices of small- to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), particularly in developing countries. This paper investigates ...
  • A decision tree approach for integrating small business assistance schemes 

    Temtime, Z.T.; Chinyoka, S.V.; Shunda, J.P.W. (Journal of Management Development; Emerald Group Publishing Limited;, 2004)
    There is a general consensus among public policy makers, academics and researchers that entrepreneurship is a vital route to economic advancement for both developed and developing economies. As a result, a host of small ...
  • Linking environmental scanning to total quality management through business planning 

    Temtime, Z.T. (Journal of Management Development; Emerald Group Publishing Ltd;, 2004)
    This paper investigates the relationship between scanning and planning, planning and TQM practices, and scanning and TQM practices by collecting primary data from 54 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) through ...
  • Small business critical success/failure factors in developing countries: some evidences from Botswana 

    Temtime, Z.T.; Pansiri, J. (Asian Network for Scientific Information,, 2004)
    Although the discovery of diamonds has propelled Botswana from one of poorest countries in 1966 to its current economic status as a middle-income country, the country still face the problem of economic diversification, ...
  • Business Planning in Small and Medium Enterprises in Botswana 

    Temtime, Z.T. (Faculty of Business, University of Botswana,, 2004-03)
    Although the relationship between planning and profitability is inconclusive, there is much consensus in the strategic management literature that no firm can survive in todayâ s turbulent and competitive markets without ...
  • Towards small business development through business incubation programmes: a review 

    Temtime, ZT (Botswana Institute of Administration and Commerce (BIAC), 2004-11)
    The number of new indigenous business start-ups in Botswana has significantly increased during the past two decades. Unfortunately, the majority of them are not successful. Over 70% of new start-ups fail during their first ...
  • Managerial Competency and Organizational Flexibility in Small and Medium Enterprises in Botswana 

    Temtime, Z.T.; Pansiri, J. (Business Perspectives; Sumy State University (Ukraine);, 2005)
    Although the discovery of diamond has propelled Botswana from one of the poorest countries in 1966 to its current stage of development as a middle-income country, the country still faces the problems of economic diversification, ...
  • Towards small business problem classification: a conceptual model 

    Temtime, ZT (Botswana Institute of Administration and Commerce, 2005-11)
    Today's business environment is turbulent and requires firms, small or large, to be proactive and innovative rather than reactive and receptive if they are to survive and grow in it. Strategic awareness is a mental process ...
  • Monitoring environmental complexities and changes:some lessons from small firms 

    Temtime, Z.T. (International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business; Inderscience Enterprises Ltd;, 2006)
    The process of gathering and interpreting pertinent information from the environment and introducing the results into the business planning process is referred to as environmental scanning. This paper investigates the ...
  • New public management and the corporatisation of the public sector in peripheral capitalist countries 

    Marobela, M. (Emerald Group Publications,, 2006)
    Capitalist transformation of the public sector is global phenomenon that affects many countries. This paper seeks to examine recent public sector reforms introduced by the Government of Botswana to improve civil service ...
  • Perceived managerial problems in SMEs: evidence from Botswana 

    Temtime, ZT; Pansiri, J. (Development and Learning in Organisations; Emerald Group Publishing Ltd;, 2006)
    Although the discovery of mineral wealth (i.e. diamond) has propelled Botswana into the middle-income category, the country still faces the problem of economic diversification, employment creation, income distribution and ...
  • Proactive marketing and financial management for Small and Medium Enterprises 

    Temtime, Z.T.; Pansiri, J. (Botswana Institute of Administration and Commerce (BIAC), 2006-05)
    Although the discovery of diamond has propelled Botswana from one of the poorest countries in 1966 to a middle-income developing nation, the country still faces the problems of economic diversification, employment creation, ...
  • Critical Realism in Management Studies 

    Marobela, M. (Botswana Journal of Business, Faculty of Business, University of Botswana, 2006-09)
    In Africa as in other parts of the world critical management research is assuming a lot of significance. There is now a felt need to break away with positivist or empiricist research, which has over years assumed hegemonic ...